5 ClickUp Automation Examples for All Businesses

Explore ClickUp automation examples to boost efficiency. Automate task notifications, due date adjustments, and more to streamline your workflow effortlessly.


Miguel Carlos Arao

3/13/20244 min read


ClickUp Automation can greatly improve your workflow, but it needs to be used right. In this blog, we'll show you practical examples from different industries on how to make the most of ClickUp Automation to boost your workspace.

What is ClickUp Automation?

ClickUp automation allows you to automate repetitive tasks and create custom workflows within the ClickUp platform. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, ClickUp automation can save you time and effort by eliminating manual work and ensuring consistency in your processes.

1. ClickUp Email Automation Examples

  • Task Creation Notifications:

    Automate the process of informing stakeholders, such as customers or clients, whenever a new task is initiated. This is particularly useful for tasks originating from public forms, allowing for the immediate dispatch of acknowledgment emails, thereby enhancing communication efficiency.

ClickUp Automation Task Created & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Task Created & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Status & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Status & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Custom Field & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Custom Field & Email Example
ClickUp Automation Task Created & Due Date Example
ClickUp Automation Task Created & Due Date Example
ClickUp Automation All Checklists Resolved & Due Date Example
ClickUp Automation All Checklists Resolved & Due Date Example
ClickUp Automation Status On Hold & Due Date Example
ClickUp Automation Status On Hold & Due Date Example
  • Status Update Emails:

    Implement different email automations within ClickUp, activated by status changes, to keep your customers or clients apprised of their ticket or request progress without the manual effort of composing and sending updates.

  • Custom Field Triggers:

    Set up automations that are activated by specific custom fields, facilitating the sending of template-based communications with minimal effort. For instance, automations can be configured to send follow-up messages tailored to the progress of a customer's ticket or request, as depicted in the example below.

2. ClickUp Due Date Automation Examples

  • Automatic Due Date Assignment:

    Automatically assign a standard due date upon task creation to ensure deadlines are implemented across locations in ClickUp.

  • Due Date Adjustments:

    Configure automations to extend the due date by a specified number of days (e.g., +3 days) upon task updates, such as checklist completions, to maintain realistic timelines.

  • Handling On-Hold Tasks:

    For tasks marked as 'On Hold,' automate the removal of due dates to reflect their deprioritized status, ensuring focus remains on active tasks.

3. ClickUp Comment Automation Examples

  • Initial Task Comments:

    Set up automations to automatically post a comment and notify involved parties upon the creation of a new task, ensuring everyone is immediately aware and can commence work without delay.

ClickUp Automation Comments Example 1
ClickUp Automation Comments Example 1
  • Commenting on Status Changes:

    Similarly, automate comments to notify assignees of any status updates, keeping all stakeholders in the loop regarding task progression.

ClickUp Automation Comments Example 2
ClickUp Automation Comments Example 2
  • Custom Field-Driven Comments:

    Utilize custom fields to trigger specific comments and notifications, enabling targeted communication based on the task's defined parameters.

ClickUp Automation Comments Example 3
ClickUp Automation Comments Example 3

4. ClickUp Assignee Automation Examples

  • Automated Assignee Setting:

    Upon task creation, automate the assignment process to ensure tasks are immediately directed to the appropriate team members.

ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 1
ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 1
  • Dynamic Reassignment Based on Status Changes:

    Configure automations to update task assignees in response to status changes, such as reassigning tasks to a different team when entering a new phase.

ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 2
ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 2
  • Custom Field Assignments:

    Use custom fields to dictate task characteristics, facilitating the automation of team assignments based on specific task requirements or outcomes.

ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 3
ClickUp Automation Assignee Example 3

5. ClickUp Archive Task or Subtask Automation Examples

  • Automated Task Archiving Upon Completion:

    Streamline your project management by setting up automations to archive tasks as soon as they are marked completed, maintaining a clean and focused workspace.

ClickUp Automation Archive Example 1
ClickUp Automation Archive Example 1
  • Subtask Completion Archiving:

    Apply the same principle to subtasks, ensuring that completed subtasks are archived automatically to reflect their finalized status.

ClickUp Automation Archive Example 2
ClickUp Automation Archive Example 2
  • Archiving Aborted Tasks:

    For tasks that are discontinued or aborted, implement automations to archive them, keeping your active task list relevant and up-to-date.

clickup automation screenshot
clickup automation screenshot

By integrating these ClickUp automation examples into your processes, you can significantly enhance productivity and ensure a seamless operational process. ClickUp's robust automation features not only reduce manual labor but also foster a more organized and efficient project management environment.

Need more from ClickUp automations without the hassle of learning? 👇 Reach out to us for assistance!

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